Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I am going to have some lovely chairs in this shop soon!
Amy of Doobleh-vay is going to be spotlighting some of my work!
check it out for my chairs
Amy of Doobleh-vay is going to be spotlighting some of my work!
check it out for my chairs
Amy come sit on my wall
................and read me the story of all. You must listen to the song - #6 .
Friday, April 4, 2008
Ahhh.... vintage w/ purpose AND meaning

The most function my "vintage finds" have, if any, are either "to furnish, or "store". Most of them just like to stand, sit, or hang around looking pretty. But ,today I resurrected my grandmother's sassy little Sunbeam Mixer, for the first time, to make birthday cupcakes for my mother's 60th. ( from the mid-50's my guess ) It was a special moment as I stood in the kitchen watching my own child lick the Duncan Hines batter, as I'm sure my father once did, from the over-sized beaters. It was Lovely.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Accepting that the TO-DO LIST never gets smaller....

I've been having trouble accepting this for sometime now, especially since starting a family. there's a difference between "knowing" something and "accepting" it. No matter how many nifty lil' TO DO lists I have lying around the house and think I'm going to get rid of someday - they inevitably just keep growing. I'm the type of person who probably has way too many more of these lists then your average " joe - momma". I think it's that I don't trust my memory, I quess? My theory: too much "mommy multi-tasking" clouds the brain, especially for the perfectionist. Either that, or, too many "altering state" substances that were put into my body in the pre-mommy days. Anyway - I decided I'm going to let go of some of these lists, ones thst really aren't important and decide to live a bit more "organically" ( as "auntie M" would say), going w/ the flow, living more in the moment instead of spending ALL my time writing these lists. The essential lists I do keep - I will embrace as they are just a part of my life and of who I am :-)

Momma discovery: I'm trying to introduce some new, more exotic fruit to my toddlers palette but, have discovered the KIWI he thinks to be a bit too strong ( I know this by how he opens his mouth and lets it roll off his tongue, down to the floor ) A good solution I found was to puree the fruit and add to plain or vanilla yogurt ( a good staple to aways have in the fridge )
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ahhh........ I "heart" The Container Store.
I hadn't physically stepped into one of these stores since Chicago - '97-ish ( where I bought my 1st great hat box container) I think I journeyed there in cyberspace a few times since, but ahhhh.........................the physical experience!!! I challengely took along my 18 mo. old in the stroller who's funky frog boots kept falling off, running under the wheels as I gleefully tryed to zoom and take-in the product lines of the whole store in under 30 minutes. (I should've had someone take a pic here - hilarious ! ) Anyhoo.......... I proudly walked out, after feeling as if I'd run a marathon, w/ one of these sassy gems. ( mine is charcoal/silver ) CHECK IT OUT - a random , lucky find I must say - I'm just trying to find time here to lovingly transfer everything into it from my four other bags here this am before scooter awakes!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Recycled Toys are the Best ....... especially when they're wood!!!!!!!!
Wow - we sure have benefited from a good ol' sassy/hip/friend/momma in her passing along this little "gem" made by Parents, sold at Target dated 4 yrs. or so ago and has sat collecting dust on her 3rd floor - I'm sure, untouched for a good 2 yrs. ( sometimes procrastination is a good thing! - Thanks Meg! ) I can see it's going to be hours of fun for my lil' guy and isn't such a big plastic eye sore in our very small living space either - - Kudoos! Here are some other great recycled wood toys I claimed at a resale store here for just a couple dollars ea. - much more satisfying then laying down a couple of 20's at the local retailer ( unless it's a local hand-made item of course! )

Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
It's a good time to reflect, relate, and meditate. I think too many people take this remembrance day too lightly. I picked up a book by Joyce Meyers today and it was exactly want I needed to hear at exactly the right time : We are not an accident;and if we will give Him the opportunity, He will restore everything that has been damaged and help us be someone even we can be delighted to be. EGO thrives on competition and striving to be first, but what is the point of competition? What does it get you? Not contentment. Not Joy. That means many things to me right now. And I will take time to meditate on it today.

On a lighter note, I need to start showing off some of my "gems" from my weekend of thrifting and salvaging down in Appalachian country - Here's a sneak peek ( an old chair w/ flour sac upholstered seat- scrumptios diy "ditty") I will reveal more later this week/month.

My "matey" here had his cake and ate it too at his friend's pirate b-day affair this past week - Let the Baby Birthday Party season Begin!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Is it right to covet a stationary store?
So I dash in to Peabody Papers - the kick-ass paperstore around the corner from our new home to take a looksy, get inspired, etc. Two hours later with a frazzled husband on the phone who's watching the kid, I wipe up my drool and exit the store $29 poorer. Oh, the creativity, the inspiration found in the 700 or so square feet of space! Some of my favorite finds: Old School Stationers,
this 10" x 10" wall print is handprinted on thick Italian paper on a nimble 1890 letterpress - check out the rest of their designs - I could surely hang these all over my house, for now I'll settle for this little gem in our stairwell.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A simple "G" will do.

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